Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, November 5, 2010

Dallas Texas

 Karissa's ready to fly!
 First time on an airplane

 Do you see the window washers???  I think I will keep my day job

 Livie and Aunt Robin
 Karissa ridding the bull
 Olivia meeting Aunt Kristen for the first time
 Mama and Livie by the bull (she wasn't allowed to sit on it, we may have gotten yelled at oops!!)

 swimming in the hot tub
 Olivia and cousin Lilli, they were both screaming and comforting each other
 Olivia meeting Aunt Lacey for the first time

 Help I'm in jail

 Karissa fed the goats, she loved it and so did the goats!

 'running' of the bulls (more like a very slow stroll!)

 checking out the bulls
 Livie's 1950's crib!!
 Karissa will show us where to go
 Our plane home

We flew to Dallas Texas the beginning of October for Kristen and Dustin's wedding.  We went down a few days early so that we could see the city and have some fun too.  The wedding was beautiful even if Olivia screamed during the ceremony.  We had lots of fun but we learned that it is hard to travel with two small kids.  Karissa was homesick on Sunday and she missed her toys.  Olivia did really well, the both really did seeing they were in a new place without normal naps and food.  All the flights went really well also.  I don't think that we will take a big vacation like that again for a long time!!

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