Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, March 3, 2007

What about me?

Buddie always runs to the office window to watch RJ drive away, as if to say hey you forgot me, you can't leave me home I'm the dog!!! he'll run from the window to the door to see if he's coming back to get him. When he discovers that he's gone for good, he goes and sulks on the couch.

My Fetcher....

I love my Fetcher, I love my Fetcher, I LOVE my fetcher sooo much!! I love to run through the snow piles to get my fetcher!! Enjoy my pictures....Love Buddie

Snow play....

Buddie just loves to run, jump and dig thought the snow with his nose. Just loves winther! He is the abominable snow dog!!