Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Pool Time

We went swimming for the first time tonight. Grandpa Bob just got his pool fixed and we were the first ones to test it out. Karissa wasn't too sure of it at first, it was a cool 75', a little cooler than her normal bath water. After she was in it for a few minuets she really seemed to like it. She finally got to wear the adorable bikini!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

3 Months

Karissa is 3 months old today! I can't believe how the time has flown by. It seems like just yesterday we found out I was pregnant and now she is 3 months old. I am totally amazed my little lady, she is such a good baby. She just loves to be talked to and smiles at everyone. She is just such a joy to have around and I can't remember what I did all day long before she was here. (Maybe I cleaned the house more!) I will post her 3 months pictures that grandma Patti took last week when we get them back.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Little Cutie

Blue eyed baby!

Thursday, June 19, 2008


She loves to stand up

what a sheepish little grin

How do little girls automatically know to pull up their dresses?
Karissa is helping pull weeds

Here are just some random pictures of Karissa in the last week. She is now 12 weeks old! Where does the time go? She is such a happy baby that smiles and talks all the time. She's very busy and nosy and doesn't want to miss a thing.

The Lintjer Family

Monday, June 9, 2008

My Weekend

Daddy picked out my outfit today, I'm daddy's little cupcake!

Napping with Uncle Ben
Playing toys with daddy, I don't know who had more fun!
I'm so hungry I have to chew my hands!

I had to work all weekend so RJ and Karissa had a lot of bonding time. Saturday Aunt Michelle and Uncle Ben came over to hang out for the day. I guess there was an explosion of poo so Aunt Michelle deemed it necessary to give Karissa a bath. She then got to pick out a new outfit for Karissa to wear, but she couldn't choose just one! Good thing Karissa doesn't mind having her clothes changed, a true girl! Sunday Aunt Colleen came over for a little while and played too. RJ had a lot of fun with his little girl!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

10 Weeks

I don't want my feet to get wet! Yes she really sat this way through her entire bath!
Help Daddy put my in the laundry basket!

Karissa is 10 weeks old today and doing wonderfully. Yesterday was my first day back to work. It went really well at work and Grandma loved spoiling Karissa all day. The only problem is that Grandma held Karissa all day, so that's all she wants today! Oh the price you pay for going back to work.