Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, December 3, 2007

Who's the baby??

Buddie thought he was the baby for a few minuets!! Well he didn't exactly just jump into the stroller, we was more placed in it and then wheeled around the house. Poor dog now he's scared to death of the stroller and car seat. He won't even go by them in the basement! I surely hope we didn't scar him for life, or he'll want nothing to do with the baby!

24 Weeks

Here is how big the baby girl is getting!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

It's A????????

Well we had the ultrasound finally today and we found out the fate of baby Lintjer!! Are you ready??
It's a...
Okay I'll tell you...

It's a GIRL!!!

Yup a daddy's little girl, who knew RJ would be right and I would be wrong?
So we are destined for pink, pink, pink!! That's okay by me I just hope RJ's ready for it.

Monday, November 26, 2007

2 Days!!

So only 2 more days....perhaps I'm counting down now. Soon we will know the fate of baby or blue!! Oh and Holly you can now post comments, are you excited?? I'll let you know when we find out.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Counting the days....

Well we are 7 days away and counting!! We are hoping that "Junior" will cooperate with us so we can find out if it's a he or she. So Holly don't worry just one more week!! I am very excited to find out finally!! I'll let you know when we know!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Growing baby

Well I went to the Dr. yesterday and he said Junior is "growing nicely!" I also finally got a date for an ultrasound! We have to wait another 4 weeks, but at least we have a date. Sorry Holly you're just going to have to wait until November 28, 26 days and counting!! I just thought I would update on Juniors growth.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Halloween Fun

The Scarecrow, Dorothy, the Wicked Witch of the West

Every year we have a Halloween part at our house. Here are a few pictures of the night. The best part is that everyone comes dressed up. Costumes aren't just for kids! There were some really good costumes this year, everyone puts a lot of work into them. We have a blast being silly all night long.

Poor Dogs

The golfer
The Cheerleader
The little devil

Even the dogs that were at the party were dressed up. Poor dogs, they didn't enjoy their costumes at all. They were really cute and tolerated it really well.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

20 Weeks and Counting....

Well I'm finally 20 weeks! I haven't had my ultrasound yet and won't for a couple of more weeks. I can't wait to see what Junior is....I still think boy. We'll just have to wait to see if I'm right or not.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Little Pumpkin

I have always wanted to put Buddie in this pumpkin, and look at that I managed it!! He was not overly excited about it but the pictures did turn out way cute!! What a cute little pumpkin!!

Happy Halloween

Have a Spook-tacular Halloween!!

Big Brother

Buddie was supposed to tell the good news along time ago, so we're a little late taking these pictures! He still tells the news very well if I do say so myself!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Baby Lintjer

Well I am now 17 weeks pregnant, doing very well. I haven't been sick at all and baby is growing nicely. These are ultrasound pictures from 12 weeks, but you can still see baby very well. We still don't know what baby is, but we will find out when we have our next ultrasound in a few weeks. I still think it's a boy!!

Mr. & Mrs.

Our good friends Jeremy and Jen got married last weekend. I thought I would share a few pictures from that day. Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Babcock!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Good News!!

Well I never thought I would be writing this already but.......


Yes it's true, it happened already! I am still kind of in shock that it happened so fast but RJ and I are so excited! Buddie can't wait to be a big brother!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Dog Days of Summer

Do you see the size of that tongue??

Buddie just loves to lay out in the yard. He'll sit there for hours and just watch the neighborhood. Wouldn't it be nice to have that kind of life?

Friday, June 15, 2007

Beach Bum

Carol and I took Eric to the beach for the very first time. He wasn't so sure about the sand or water. It was pretty hot out so he didn't last too long with out taking a nap.

Boating Fun

Kristen & RJ
Kristen, Jen, Dani
Jeremy, RJ, Justin
Saturday we took the boat out for the first time. We cruised to Muskegon and back. It was a warm, sunny day and the lake was like glass. It was the perfect boating day.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

First Anniversary

May 6, 2007 was our first anniversary. We had a great day at the pool and then dinner at the Japanese restaurant. RJ, you are the love of my life and I love you with my whole heart!! Happy first anniversary!

Watch out Mexico we're moving in!!!

RJ, Kristen, Tiffany, and Nate at Senor Frogs
Tiffany, Nate, RJ, Kristen, Chris, Casey our last night at the show.
Hanging out at the pool!

We went to Mexico for the week over our first anniversary!! We had a blast. We were so well know around the resort. I was known as Barbie and RJ was Ken. We met people a couple from Chicago and another couple that is from Coopersville (yes they live 5 minuets from us!!) We had so much fun at the pool and swim up bar! I can't even explain how much fun we had. Enjoy a select few pictures. I say a few because we took over 450 pictures in just 6 days!!

Monkeying Around

What a week in Mexico!! We waited all week for the monkey to come around to take pictures. Finally on Sunday afternoon it came to the pool!! I wanted to keep him, he was too cute and soft! How FUN!!!

Saturday, March 3, 2007

What about me?

Buddie always runs to the office window to watch RJ drive away, as if to say hey you forgot me, you can't leave me home I'm the dog!!! he'll run from the window to the door to see if he's coming back to get him. When he discovers that he's gone for good, he goes and sulks on the couch.

My Fetcher....

I love my Fetcher, I love my Fetcher, I LOVE my fetcher sooo much!! I love to run through the snow piles to get my fetcher!! Enjoy my pictures....Love Buddie