Karissa is 11 months old today. She is no longer a baby, she's a big girl now! She is into everything more now than before. She knows what cabinets she can play in, and she loves to play with Buddie's food bowls. She is cruising around furniture like pro and will soon be walking. She crawls like a mad woman to get everywhere. She is very dramatic and totally a girl! She will cry at the drop of a hat especially if you tell her no, she instantly has the big crocodile tears running down her face. Karissa is still wearing the same size clothes and shoes. I don't think that she has grown a lot in the last month or two. I think she moves way too much and burns all her calories off. She loves to eat!! She loves pizza and chicken fingers. We are working on her liking ground beef, right now she just spits it back out. She says mama all the time, she said baby today for the first time, she does say papa and dada sometimes but not every often, and has a noise that she always makes for Buddie. She waves hi and bye very well. My baby girl is getting very big and isn't a baby anymore, except at bed time. She is so much fun to have, we just can't to see what she does next!
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