Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Pool Time

July 3, 2010
I think I like it!

Jumping in the deep end!!

Jumping off the side

Going down the slide

Grandpa Bob had us over for a cook out, fireworks, and to go swimming. We had a blast. Karissa was super brave, she jumped in off the side of the pool, she went down the slide for the first time ever, and she jumped in the deep end with daddy. She wasn't so sure about going under the water but she didn't grumble too much. She is becoming more of a water rat every time we go. Olivia was able to go in the pool for the very first time. She has been sleeping every other time we have gone but today she was wide awake so in she went. She actually liked it until the hunger got the best of her!

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