Olivia is now three months old. She is a wonderful baby that is happy all the time. She is getting bigger and developing a personality all her own. She is sleeping all night from 8 or 9 pm until 7 or 8 am. She sleeps on and off during the day and eats about every 3 hours. She smiles all the time and has started to "talk" to us as well. She is wearing 3 month clothes and size one diapers. most of her hair has fallen out just like Karissa's did except the crown of her head and her mullet!! She doesn't like bath time at all and will scream through the entire thing! She is becoming more and more aware of what's around her. She stares at Karissa all the time and watches Buddie walk around the room. She is a thumb girl, yup she found it and that thumb goes in her mouth whenever she goes to bed. I figure if that gets her sleep all night then so be it. She is just such a good baby, it seems like she has been here forever and yet I can't believe that she is 3 months old already!