Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

18 Months

Karissa is now 18 months old (okay actually 19 by now). She is such a big girls these days. We are in full blown toddler-hood!! i always say she is 1.5 going on 4 years old! She is now weighing in at 25 lbs and is 33.25 inches tall. She finally made it back on the chart for height!! People are shocked when they ask how old she is b/c she is so tall for her age. Karissa is talking up a storm. I can't even begin to make a list of all the words that she says. She has just started to go from calling me mama to mommy and from dada to daddy. It's to cute to hear her say that although at times she does over use it too!! ha ha! she is wearing 18 months clothes for the most part although she does have a lot of 24 months stuff for winter. She is in size 4 diapers (hopefully will soon be done with those!), and wears size 7 shoes! She still takes one nap a day in the afternoon and sleeps from 9-10 pm to 8-9 am. She has just recently given up her binkie, okay we took it away, and thankfully she hasn't missed it too much. She has been sleeping all night rather than waking up once a night screaming. We are glad that we stuck to it even though it was a few long nights of going to bed screaming and looking in her crib calling out for pass, pass. I had to walk out of the room at that moment b/c I was laughing so hard. So that is the latest and greatest on our little missy pants!!

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