Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Future Nurse?

Buddie doesn't seem to mind having his blood pressure taken. Karissa sure knows what to do, do I see being a nurse in her future??

I love cheese puffs!

Karissa fell asleep after the March for Babies

Do you like my socks?

She wasn't so sure about walking with her new sandals on.
How is this comfortable?
Helping clean out the fridge

She likes to ride the ironing board!
She carries my shoes around the house then puts them down and pats them saying mama. What a smart girl!
George needed to eat breakfast too!

What a cute girl!
I just thought I would post a few new pictures of our little lady.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter 2009

Happy (late) Easter! We went to my mom and dad's for lunch and then to RJ's dad's for the egg hunt. Karissa got an Easter basket full of eggs. She really didn't understand that she had to hunt for them but she loved to shake them once they were found for her.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

It's Official!!

Well it's official....We not longer have a baby!! (No I'm not pregnant!) So I went through and pack all the extra baby stuff away yesterday! All the bottles, baby towels, and my beloved breast pump are all gone until the next one is thought about. Karissa is growing up so fast. I can't believe that is one already, I swear I was just newly pregnant and trying to prepare for the next 9 months ahead of me waiting to meet this little person. now she is a big girl that wants to do things on her own. She is so fun to watch as she gets into everything. I now have to keep the laundry room door closed b/c she can turn the washer on!! I only figured that out one day b/c I heard it and didn't know why, yes it was just washing away only it was empty!! she's such a busy little girl.