Karissa is One today! Where has the last year gone. I can't help but think about what was happening last year at this time. She has grown and changed so much in the last year. She is no longer a baby, she is a little girl with a very strong personality. She is an amazing little girl and I just love so very much! What is Karissa doing these days? She is running all over the house. She no longer crawls at all. She learned how to stand back up with out haning onto anything when she falls. She laughs and smiles all the time. She chases after Buddie, he's not so sure about her sometimes. She says mama, dada, papa, nana, by, buuu (buddie), and num num. She points and grunts to what she wants. She eats 3 meals a day with a couple of snacks. She takes one good afternoon nap and sometimes (like today, turning one is hard work!) she take a morning nap. She sleeps from 8:30-9:30 pm to 8-9 am. She wears 12 months clothes and sleepers, size 5 shoes (yes she has big feet!), and size 3 diapers. She has 10 teeth as of this week when 2 top molars popped in. Her hair is growing in nicely and is definitely red (people are starting to notice that!). RJ says poor baby has my hairline! I'm hoping by the time she is 2 I can do piggies in her hair! i don't know how much she weighs yet because her appt isn't for another couple of weeks. Well I could keep going on and on and on about my little lady but I will stop boring you all. I hope you have enjoyed looking at my little lady grow over the last year as much as we have!