My Big Girl!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
My Buddie & Me
Karissa is in love with her Buddie even more now than ever before. She loves to crawl up to him and pet him. Poor Buddie isn't sure that he feels the same way. He gets very nervous when she crawls to where he is and will take the quickest escape route out of there, even if that means off the side of the couch! 
I Love My.....
Pink Pony! Daddy and Mommy give me horsey rides all the time and I love it!
Blocks next to the couches where Mommy can't see me
Shopping Cart!
Sippy Cup! I love my Dr. Brown's sippy, yes I'm picky and this is the only one I like!
Leap Frog Table! I play with this a lot (thanks Aunt Kate for letting me borrow it!)

Curious Girl
Now that Karissa is crawling she is into everything all the time. She loves to discover new things and will crawl around just looking at everything. She currently loves to stand in the bathroom closet and play with all the extras (letting her play with the Tylenol bottle probably won't win me mother of the year huh?) She also is a big helper when I am ironing, she loves to pull whatever is hanging off her side of the board. She did discover the pan drawer but they are very heavy and one of the covers bit her hand she she hasn't gone back to them. She does love the cabinet with the swiffer stuff and trash bags. She was very fascinated with that. I'm thinking we may need to invest is some cabinet locks soon. Oh yes and the one thing that every child needs...a big potted tree!! She was so curious about this tree that she taught her self to stand up next to it and then get back down, all in about a hours time. She loves to stand there and play with the little rocks and sometimes figures it's okay to take a little taste of one. It is so fun to watch her discover all these new things.
10 Months Old
We had to take the box out of her crib b/c she learned how to stand up. This is how she wakes up every morning!
Karissa is now 10 months old! She is learning new things every day. She now crawls like a mad woman everywhere. This has greatly improved her mood seeing she can follow us around the house now instead of being left behind! She can walk behind her shopping cart unassisted, although the top half of her body moves a little faster than the lower half. She pulls up to standing, and cruises around the furniture. She is into anything and everything all the time. She says mama, dada, papa, and baba (which I think is Buddie b/c she's always looking at him when she says it). She is loving eating people food, she thinks she is hot stuff eating the same thing as mommy and daddy. She is very good about feeding Buddie from her chair, of course he is right there waiting for it! She still wears 9-12 month clothes, size 3 diapers, and size 4 shoes. I don't think she has grown much in the last month because she's not outgrowing anything, which is fine by me. She is a very happy girl that has a very contagious smile!
Friday, January 16, 2009
So Big!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Mobile Baby
Well it finally happened last week...Karissa learned to crawl!! This is the second night of crawling and you can see what she was thrilled to find. Poor Buddie isn't too sure about this new learned talent, he's pretty freaked out now that she can crawl after him! Karissa on the other hand is very happy these days b/c she can just follow me all around the house. The end of the video is the best, make sure you watch the entire thing!
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