Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 25, 2008

6 Months Old

Buddie doesn't mind pictures now that Karissa can sit next to him
That is until he thinks he can rub his back on can guess what happens next
Yes over they both go and that was the end of pictures

She thinks she is big stuff sitting alone playing with toys
Who needs a car seat, I like to sit in the front seat, Aren't I big enough??
Daddy said he would teach me how to drive I'm not sure he meant already

Wow we are 6 months old today...yeah! I can't believe how the time has flown by. Karissa is getting very big. She is now 17 pounds and 27.5 inches long. That's 40% for weight and off the chart for height. She is the average height of a 10 month old, the Lintjer jeans are strong! The doctor said she looks amazing and she thinks that she will be walking by 9 months. She sits unsupported for hours now, has her 2 bottom teeth, loves to stand by the couch or foot stool, and smile and talks all day long. She is such a joy to have around. She is just such a happy baby. She wears size 3-6 month clothes (some 6 month sleepers for the length) and size 2 or 3 shoes. Her hair is still trying to grow back and I still think it's going to be red but daddy thinks she's going to be blond like me. I figured out that she may look just like daddy but is doing exactly what I did as a baby (yes I had to look at my baby book). I mean exactly like the same weight and height (not just this month but since birth), same time to get first teeth and sitting up. I was very surprised by that. So that is my baby girl in a nut shell for now.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I'm trying to show off my baby rolls, but I don't really have too many to show.
I'm so long!
That little patch is all that's left of my baby mullet, my mommy is very upset about that. Maybe I'll have hair when I'm 3!

Look how big I am next to Buddie now
Trying to make overalls look girly
Mommy forgot to feed me before my bath so I got the eat in my robe and slippers

Karissa has mastered sitting up all alone for long periods of time now. She also has 2 bottom teeth already! She's getting so big.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Go Blue

Karissa has not been to a Michigan game yet (well I guess she was along last year) but she already loves the team as you can see. We are teaching her the song at an early age that way she will be ready for game day in a few years.

Daddy gives me fudge pops!

She fell asleep while still holding on to her toys

Holly though she needed to be in the picture too, Karissa wasn't so sure.

Oh no!

Another milestone was accomplished today...Karissa has her first tooth! Yes there is a little white tooth popping through her bottom gums! I'm not sure if I'm excited or not, I love the gummy smile and soon it will be a toothy grin. Plus she will need to learn not to bite really fast, thankfully she hasn't yet. My baby girl is getting big!