Karissa is 9 weeks old today. She is full of smiles and is starting to talk a lot more now. She sat in the grass for the first time this weekend and wasn't so sure about the grass tickling her feet. My time at home with her is drawing to a close as I am unfortunately going back to work next week. Grandma can't wait to take and spoil her 3 days a week!
Daddy left this morning for Chicago for the week. He has an entire house of beautiful cabinets to install down there. I was helping him pack and kept crawling in his suitcase! I told he had better make room for his most precious cargo, but he told me I had to stay home with mommy. So it's just mommy and me this week! We miss you already daddy!
Karissa is a big girl! We just got home from her appointment and here are her stats! She's 11 pounds and 24 inches long! That's almost to the 50% for weight and 97% for height! The doctor was very impressed with her head and neck control and said she looks amazing. I think she's going to be very tall and skinny like her daddy!
Karissa is looking bigger next to Buddie now. She didn't want her picture taken in her pretty dress
What every girl needs flare leg embroidered jeans!
Karissa and Jayden playing together
Karissa is 8 weeks old today. She is such a wonderful baby. She is more awake now during the day and is beginning to like her toys. Her smiles are coming more frequently which I just love! Today she is at Grandma's house as a trial babysitting day. I am unfortunately going back to work in 2 weeks so RJ and I thought it would be a good idea to send her to Grandma's. So far i have done fine away from her but it's only been a little while nothing like working all day. I would love to stay at home with my baby everyday but that just isn't going to happen. I am looking forward to my last 2 weeks at home with her. Thursday we have Karissa's 2 month appointment so I will post how big she is getting. I really don't know how much she weighs I just know she is very tall like her daddy!!
Big blue eyes and look at the start of a double chin!
It's such hard work sitting up!
Helping mommy with my scrapbook
Yeah Go Blue!!
Karissa is 7 weeks old today. She is still a wonderful baby and is getting bigger every day. The newest thing that we tried was her Bebe pod seat. Yes the box says 3-12 months but I thought I would try her in it. She actually sits really well and hold her head up wonderfully. She loves to go outside so I'm hoping that it warms up and stays warm very soon so I don't have to bundle her up to go out.
Grandma Patti took pictures of Karissa when she was 4 weeks old. I just thought I would share a few of my favorites. It's hard to pick just a few of the best when you have 65 to pick from. Oh yeah Grandma took 185 but narrowed it down to 65!!
Miss Karissa is 6 weeks today. She has just started to crack a few smiles so I had to attempt to get them on film. This is what I have been waiting for....her to smile at me! I just think the gummy grins are the best. she is also starting to coo at times as well. She is growing bigger everyday. Her newborn clothes are starting to get a little short for her, she's going to be tall! She is still sleeping through the night for at least 8 hours (mommy loves this!) She is just a wonderful baby.
Happy 2nd Anniversary to my wonderful husband. I can't believe that it has been 2 years. RJ is such a wonderful husband and now father. I couldn't ask for anyone better, he is truly my prince charming. RJ, I love you so very much!
Jen and I decided to take the girls to the little tulip patch downtown Coopersville today. After feeding Jayden and making her happy, Karissa started to get mad. Of course you can't get two babies to look good at the same time. Poor babies are subjected to their mommies wild ideas. We think the girls are pretty cute.